Food is life and it is important for thought, health and wealth.

The earth, ecosystem and our next generation are desperately seeking a space to be safe. Let's work together to change the way we work.

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Market, monopoly and manipulation

It is interesting to have read an article on The Guardian authored by Robert Reich on a causes of inflation. The article has highlighted recent inflation and its tendencies in the US economy. According to him, the inflation is about…

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Imperfect market and monopoly product

It is interesting to have read an article on The Guardian authored by Robert Reich on a causes of inflation. The article has highlighted recent inflation and its tendencies in the US economy. According to him, the inflation is about…

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We throw away a third of the food we grow; here’s what to do about waste | TC

Kamran Mahroof, University of Bradford and Sankar Sivarajah, University of Bradford The COVID pandemic has shown the fragility of our global food supply chains, with many supermarkets and restaurants in almost every country having experienced food shortages. Millions of people…

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Agro-forestry for the nature and food

Jagadish Wagle We need an efficient environment to preserve the earth for the sake of achievements so far however, natural settings and eco-system are at the risk of collapsing at any time. The economic growth, so far, is the only…

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Let’s Put Food First

We believe that everybody should have nutritious food all time. So, we work hard in putting efforts on sustainable food system, capability empowerment, system resilience and new economy. Because food system is endangered due to climate change, increasing population vs…

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Feature posts on food security, food system, agriculture and more

What is New Economics ?

New economics does not accept the orthodox theory that has dominated economics for the past several decades that humans are perfectly rational, markets are perfectly efficient, institutions are optimally designed and economies are self-correcting…

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Climate Change

Including a concept of climate change that links human health, wealth and wellbeing with the Earth’s natural eco-system upon which we depend …

Sustainable Development Goals

Inclusive Development

Inclusive development, new economy based on wellbeing and sustainable development goals (SDGs)…

Corana pandemic


Including a concept of climate change that links human health, wealth and wellbeing with the Earth’s natural eco-system upon which we depend …

Blog posts

Blog posts

Inclusive development, new economy based on wellbeing and sustainable development goals (SDGs)…


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New Economy

NEWism is an alternative approach of new economy based on well being; human must be at the centre of development and human must obey the rule of nature and coexistence. A nexus of nature, food, health, education and security

Area of Interest

Sustainable Food System

Sustainable food system is a holistic approach of social, economic and environmental welfare including food security i.e. food availability, access, utilisation and sustainability…

Capability Empowerment

Empowering individual capability help to promote person’s freedom, alleviate poverty and end hunger. A physically, socially and economically capable person can have access of available services.

System Resilience

The resilient system bounce back better after the events or shocks and strongly support to minimise risk and loss. The resilient system based on the seven principles of diversity and redundancy, connectivity, regular essential services, adaptive system, learning, participation and poly centric governance …

Climate Change

A serious threat for the humanity and the world



Currently I focus on achieving the sustainable food system through capability empowerment and system resiliency. The ultimate aim is ‘food for all’ by achieving the highest productivity from the least amount of input. I am an accomplished MSc Food Security and Development graduate (University of Reading UK) with experience in a multidisciplinary understanding of how food systems work , and…


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Food for Thought

Sustainable Food System, Capability Empowerment, System Resilience and New Economy

  • Jagadish Wagle

Humans benefit hugely from the services delivered by nature. However, due to an increasing population and the unlimited greed of human activities, limited natural resources are inhumanly exploited and are stressed. To protect nature, the majority of scientists have warned that some planetary boundaries have already been crossed and that sudden collapse is very near. Hence, a huge global debate is going on regarding how to protect, preserve and utilise natural resources in a sustainable way. These issues should be analysed, in consideration of the COVID-19 pandemic and the financial crisis of 2008, and it should be considered whether our past development has addressed real needs. Father of modern linguistics Noam Chomsky underlined the fact on our Corona virus response that “ventilator shortage exposes the cruelty of neoliberal capitalism”. This seems to imply that, somehow, both nature and humanity are being ignored in the global development discourse. 

Image by Author

All nations are requested to show their commitment by promulgating law and policy that promote investments in preserving the climate. In the meantime, a major investment partner of the global economy, the US government, withdrew from the Paris Agreement in 2019.

Population, climate and food (PCF) are deeply entangled. Over-exploitation of natural resources, increasing population, climate emergencies and food insecurity have posed a serious threat. Thus, a nexus of WAL should be considered while implementing polices of the PCF …

Photo by Aphiwat chuangchoem on

The reality is that crime, smuggling, trafficking and black markets have been linked with such a narcotic market that does not pay any revenue to the state fund, even though the state must invest a huge amount to deal the issues associated with drugs. Further, it has even become a hidden driver of socio-political instability, conflict and corruption. 

Let’s think again, could it be good to legalese cannabis? The answer should begin with why it was banned.

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Moreover food is also a supplement of nutritional requirements. So it is wrong to think that food is only a stuff of filling belly. Besides that, there is a huge economy and politics associated with food. The COVID-19, natural calamity, climate change and food waste are the biggest challenges that should be addressed to make sure there is enough food supply. In later time, the world has been facing unprecedented food insecurity from the invasion of swarms of locusts destroying millions of miles of agriculture, plants and fodder especially in the horn of Africa and beyond. 

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78 thoughts on “Latest Blog Posts

  1. Killer blog. So glad I dropped by on a whim!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. INCOMESCO / Jesi 19/01/2016 — 11:14 am

      Wow. Thank you so much Laura. Wish you all the best.


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